Best Jobs for 11 Year Olds To Earn Money in 2024

Did you know that 11-year-olds have a plethora of job options available to them? From creative gigs to seasonal jobs and traditional roles, there are plenty of opportunities for young teens to earn money and learn valuable skills. Finding the right job can teach children about responsibility, independence, and the satisfaction of earning their own money. So, if your 11-year-old is eager to start their money-making journey, keep reading to discover the top jobs they can pursue in 2024.

Key Takeaways:

  • 11-year-olds have a variety of job options available to them.
  • Creative jobs for 11-year-olds include photography, blogging, t-shirt designing, art, and voiceover work.
  • Seasonal jobs for 11-year-olds can involve car washing, weeding, lemonade stands, gift wrapping, snow shoveling, and leaf raking.
  • Traditional jobs for 11-year-olds include babysitting, dog walking, pet sitting, and lawn mowing.
  • Consider your child’s maturity and abilities when choosing a job for them.

Creative Jobs for 11 Year Olds

When it comes to creative jobs, there are plenty of options for 11-year-olds to explore. These jobs not only allow children to express their artistic talents but also provide opportunities to earn money and gain valuable skills. Whether they have a knack for photography, writing, design, or voiceover work, there’s a creative job out there for every young talent.


If your 11-year-old has an eye for spotting a great shot and enjoys taking pictures, photography can be a fantastic job option. They can capture special moments at events, take portraits of family and friends, or even document nature. With the right equipment and some basic knowledge, they can turn their hobby into a profitable venture.


Another creative job for 11-year-olds is blogging. Children can create their own blog where they write about topics they are passionate about. They can share their thoughts, experiences, and knowledge with their audience. By monetizing their blog through display ads or affiliate marketing, they can start earning money while doing something they love.

T-shirt Designer

For artistic children who love fashion, becoming a t-shirt designer can be an exciting opportunity. They can create trendy and unique designs that reflect their style and interests. These designs can be sold online through platforms like Etsy or even showcased and sold at local craft shows.


If your child has a talent for drawing, painting, or any other form of art, they can turn their passion into a creative job. They can create original artwork and sell it on platforms like Etsy. This not only allows them to showcase their talent but also helps them develop their entrepreneurial skills.

Voiceover Work

Voiceover work is a unique job option for 11-year-olds with unique voices or the ability to do different voices. They can create voiceover demos showcasing their vocal range and submit them for voiceover jobs. This can include narrating audiobooks, voicing animated characters, or even recording commercials.

These creative jobs offer children the opportunity to pursue their passions while earning money. Whether they choose photography, blogging, t-shirt design, art, or voiceover work, the possibilities for young creative minds are endless.

Seasonal Jobs for 11 Year Olds

Seasonal jobs are a great way for 11-year-olds to earn money while experiencing different types of work. These jobs provide opportunities for kids to develop valuable skills, learn about responsibility, and gain a sense of independence. Here are some popular seasonal jobs for 11-year-olds:

1. Car Washing

car washing

Car washing is a common seasonal job during the spring, summer, and early fall. 11-year-olds can offer their car washing services to neighbors, friends, and family members. It’s a fun and practical way for kids to earn money while learning about responsibility and the importance of a job well done.

2. Weeding

Weeding is a light yard work job suitable for 11-year-olds who may not be ready for the physical demands of lawn mowing. Kids can help neighbors and family members by pulling out weeds from gardens and maintaining the appearance of outdoor spaces.

3. Lemonade Stand

A classic summer job, setting up a lemonade stand allows 11-year-olds to experience entrepreneurship. Kids can make and sell refreshing lemonade in their neighborhood, promoting their stand with colorful signs and friendly advertisement. This job teaches them about money management, customer service, and the joy of running their own business.

4. Gift Wrapping

During the holiday season, 11-year-olds can offer gift wrapping services to busy individuals who may not have the time or skills to wrap presents themselves. Kids can showcase their creativity and attention to detail by wrapping gifts in beautiful and festive packages.

5. Snow Shoveling

Winter brings opportunities for 11-year-olds to help their neighbors by offering snow shoveling services. Kids can clear driveways, sidewalks, and pathways after snowfall, ensuring safe and accessible walkways for everyone in the community.

6. Raking Leaves

In the fall, 11-year-olds can assist their neighbors by raking up and disposing of fallen leaves. This job helps maintain the appearance of yards and provides kids with physical activity while earning money.

These seasonal jobs not only allow 11-year-olds to earn money, but they also teach important life skills such as hard work, time management, and customer service. It’s essential for parents and guardians to guide children in choosing age-appropriate jobs and ensuring their safety while working. With the right opportunities and guidance, seasonal jobs can be a valuable learning experience for 11-year-olds.

Traditional Jobs for 11 Year Olds

In addition to creative and seasonal jobs, there are also traditional job options available for 11-year-olds. These jobs provide a sense of responsibility and valuable skills while allowing children to earn money. Here are some popular traditional jobs suitable for 11-year-olds:


Babysitting is a traditional job that many 11-year-olds can consider if they are mature and responsible enough to care for younger children. This job involves watching over children, ensuring their safety, and engaging them in age-appropriate activities.

Dog Walking

Dog walking is an ideal job for children who love animals. Many pet owners are in need of someone to walk their dogs during the day while they are at work. By offering dog walking services, 11-year-olds can earn money while ensuring that the dogs get the exercise and playtime they need.

Pet Sitting

For 11-year-olds who prefer a more at-home job, pet sitting can be a great option. This job involves checking on pets, feeding them, and providing companionship while their owners are away. It allows children to spend time with animals and take care of their basic needs.

Lawn Mowing

Lawn mowing is a common job for 11-year-olds who are comfortable using a lawnmower and can provide basic lawn care services to neighbors. This job requires responsibility and attention to detail to ensure that lawns are properly maintained and the job is done safely.

These traditional jobs offer 11-year-olds the opportunity to earn money while learning important skills such as responsibility, time management, and communication. It’s important for parents to consider their child’s maturity level and abilities when selecting a job for them to ensure a safe and positive experience.

Job Description
Babysitting Caring for younger children and ensuring their safety and well-being
Dog Walking Taking dogs for walks and providing exercise and playtime
Pet Sitting Checking on pets, feeding them, and providing companionship in their own home
Lawn Mowing Using a lawnmower to provide basic lawn care services


As children grow older, it’s important to foster their independence and teach them about responsibility and the value of earning money. The top jobs for 11-year-olds in 2024 encompass a range of options that are both age-appropriate and engaging for young teens.

For creative-minded 11-year-olds, there are exciting opportunities such as photography, blogging, t-shirt design, art, and voiceover work. These jobs allow children to explore their artistic talents while earning money.

Seasonal jobs can also provide valuable experiences for 11-year-olds. From car washing and weeding to running lemonade stands and offering gift wrapping services, these seasonal jobs teach children about entrepreneurship and hard work.

Traditional jobs like babysitting, dog walking, pet sitting, and lawn mowing offer 11-year-olds a chance to take on responsibilities and provide services to their community. These jobs help children develop important skills like communication, empathy, and time management.


What are the top jobs for 11 year olds to earn money in 2024?

11-year-olds have a wide range of job options, including creative jobs, seasonal jobs, and traditional jobs.

What are some creative jobs for 11 year olds?

Some creative jobs for 11-year-olds include photographer, blogger, t-shirt designer, artist, and voiceover work.

What are some seasonal jobs for 11 year olds?

Seasonal jobs for 11-year-olds can include car washing, weeding, lemonade stand, gift wrapping, snow shoveling, and raking leaves.

What are some traditional jobs for 11 year olds?

Traditional jobs for 11-year-olds can include babysitting, dog walking, pet sitting, and lawn mowing.

What skills can these jobs teach 11 year olds?

These jobs can teach children responsibility, independence, and valuable skills for the future.

How do I choose a job for my 11 year old?

It’s important to consider your child’s maturity and abilities when choosing a job for them.

How can my child manage their earnings?

Greenlight, a money app and debit card designed for kids and teens, can help children manage their earnings.

How can my child get started in photography?

Photography can be a great job for 11-year-olds with an eye for spotting a great shot and taking pictures.

How can my child earn money blogging?

Blogging is another creative job option where children can create short posts about a specific niche and earn money through display ads or affiliates.

How can my child make money through t-shirt design?

T-shirt design allows artistic children to create trendy designs and sell them online or at local craft shows.

How can my child earn money through art?

Children with artistic talent can create art and sell it on platforms like Etsy.

How can my child get into voiceover work?

Voiceover work is a unique job where children with unique voices or the ability to do different voices can make demos and submit them for voiceover jobs.

What seasonal jobs can my child do in the spring and summer?

Car washing is a popular seasonal job for 11-year-olds during the spring, summer, and early fall.

What is a light yard work job suitable for 11 year olds?

Weeding is a light yard work job suitable for 11-year-olds who aren’t yet ready for lawn mowing.

What classic summer job can my child do?

Lemonade stands are a classic summer job where children can make and sell lemonade.

What seasonal job can my child do during the holiday season?

Gift wrapping services can be offered by 11-year-olds during the holiday season when people are too busy to wrap presents themselves.

What winter job can my child do?

Snow shoveling is a winter job where children can offer their services to shovel snow for neighbors, relatives, and friends.

What seasonal job can my child do in the fall?

Raking leaves is another seasonal job where children can help neighbors by raking up and disposing of fallen leaves.

What traditional job can my child consider if they are responsible and mature?

Babysitting is a traditional job that 11-year-olds can consider if they are mature and responsible enough to care for younger children.

How can my child earn money by walking dogs?

Dog walking is a job where children can earn money by walking neighbor’s dogs and ensuring they get exercise and playtime.

What at-home care job can my child do?

Pet sitting is a more at-home care job where children can check on pets, feed them, and provide companionship while their owners are away.

What is a common job for 11 year olds who are comfortable using a lawnmower?

Lawn mowing is a common job for 11-year-olds who are comfortable using a lawnmower and can provide lawn care services to neighbors.

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By Zaraki